You can verify your products authenticity by matching your item with the pieces I have made and dated.

(General Releases, custom orders and specials)

This is just the first step to authenticating your unique and valuable artworks, as i develop on this journey and push the boundaries of my work the value of it will increase, that being said, you are the owner of something very special and a moment in time. Thank you for your support.

constantly being updated*

Balance is key,

and concepts ain’t for free.

 All my works are handmade, an extension of my emotion/ subconscious or throughly thought out concepts, each take time and energy to conceptualise before counting the hours to make them. These pieces are a token, holding the remnants of my environment and mindset at the given time. Once a piece is completed I have learnt from and moved on in another direction; these developments could come from experience when making work but more often than not they come from life experiences, me understanding the world around me and trying to find my identity.

Below you will find all the products I have made for sale and the month they were made, as a buyer you can be assured your piece are hand made by me if it can be found here.